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Immersive Display PRO v1.9r3
Immersive Display PRO v1.9r3 Fly Elise-ng proudly releases Immersive Display PRO v1.9r3 Release notes: NEW: Support button for automatic collection of log and config files for remote support NEW: Option to prevent warping of DirectX child windows (for FSX/P3D...
Immersive Designer PRO v1.2r2
Immersive Designer PRO v1.2r2 Fly Elise-ng proudly releases Immersive Designer PRO v1.2r2 Release notes: NEW: Support for truncated dome NEW: Transparent scene NEW: More ortho views NEW: Added labels to the coordinate axis in the lower left corner NEW: Added distance...
Immersive Calibration PRO v2.6r2
Immersive Calibration PRO v2.6r2 Fly Elise-ng proudly releases Immersive Calibration PRO v2.6r2New in this version: NEW: Additional support for dome calibration NEW: Additional support for plane (flat) screen calibration NEW: Support for asymmetric frustums for...
Immersive Display PRO v1.9r1
Immersive Display PRO v1.9r1 Fly Elise-ng proudly releases Immersive Display PRO v1.9r1 Release notes: NEW: Support for Windows 10 desktop warping NEW: Support for full screen anti-alias for warping NEW: Global store of the keyboard input preferences NEW: Added...
DCS World support
DCS World support Thanks to the great support provided by Eagle Dynamics Inc, Fly Elise-ng announces direct support for multi-projector edge-bend DCS setups.The next version of Immersive Calibration PRO includes export to DCS World Screen Config .lua file for...
Immersive Designer PRO v1.2r1
Immersive Designer PRO v1.2r1 Fly Elise-ng proudly releases Immersive Designer PRO v1.2r1. New in this version: NEW: Analysis module for resolution analysis (Experimental) NEW: Undo/Redo functionality NEW: Horizontal projector lenses offset NEW: Cave screen type NEW:...
Helicopter Sim at YOUR Cockpit
Helicopter Sim at YOUR Cockpit Another great successful helicopter simulator setup at YOURcockpit - Flugsimulator Köln/Bonn ( - X-Plane 10 (64bit)- Fly Elise-ng X- Plane MultiView plug-in- 3 x visuals PCs- 6 HD 1920x1080 BenQ Projectors- 5 meter...
Immersive Designer PRO v1.1r2
Immersive Designer PRO v1.1r2 Fly Elise-ng proudly releases Immersive Designer PRO v1.1r2. New in this version: NEW: Updated projectors database with more than 7500 projectors NEW: New modern GUI and icons set NEW: Support for full dome screen FIX: Numerous bug fixes...
Immersive Calibration PRO v2.5r1
Immersive Calibration PRO v2.5r1 Fly Elise-ng proudly releases Immersive Calibration PRO v2.5r1New in this version: NEW: Support for UpRight and Hemispherical Full Dome projection screens NEW: Special modified VLC Media Player for 2K, 4K, 8K Dome Master video playback...
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